DMBLGIT November 09: The Winners - Les Gagnants du DMBLGIT Novembre 09
Before I finally reveal the lucky winners of the DMBLGIT November 2009 edition, I would like to thank Andrew from Spittoon and Spittoonextra for giving me the opportunity to host my 1st international food event. I really enjoyed it: the excitement when receiving new entries, the chance to discover some new blogs and the privilege to be helped in my job by a talented panel of judges. A big thank you to Bron, Sabra, Julia, Mowie and Claude-Olivier who gave some of their valuable time to review, comment and score all of the 74 entries we were lucky to have for this edition.
And now to the winners!! Thank to you, we had 74 entries (check the gallery here). As previously said, we have 6 winners: 3 overall winners (1st, 2d and 3d place) with the highest scores all categories combined and 1 winner per category (edibility, originality and aesthetics) each one with the highest score in the category excluding the 3 overall winners.
Overall Winners
(the overall winners have the highest scores in all three categories combined)
Overall Second Place: Chocolate Truffle Strawberry Tarts by Allison from Pease Pudding with a AF Micro Nikkor 60mm

Edibility, Originality, and Aesthetics Category
(each picture was scored in three categories: edibility, originality, and aesthetics. The photo receiving the highest total score in each of those categories, excluding the three overall winners, is the specific category winner)
Edibility Winner
Tied at the Edibility category are
Love To Love (Pandan & Saffron Macarons) by Fitri from Rumah Manis with a Canon Power Shot
Tarte tatin de courge aux marrons by Nilufer from Des Yeux a la Bouche with a Panasonic lumix DMC TZ-5

Originality Winner
Matcha Macs by Hilda at Saffron & Blueberry with a Nikon D200
Aesthetics Winner
Blackberry & Prosciutto salad by Jeanne from CookSister! with a Canon EOS 20D, standard 18-55mm lens
Host's award
As the host, I also had the privilege to give an award and believe me, it was one of the hardest things to do. Some of the entries stroke me by their styling and/or light but I couldn't resist Jennifer's Caramel-coated apples especially after hearing my kids wowed at them!!

Congratulations to all the winners and thanks again to Andrew, to the judges, to Shari for sending me the badges designed by Matt and of course to all of you who send me your entries. Please keep on the good work and don't forget to submit another of your gorgeous pics to Arfi at Homemades who will hopefully be hosting DMBLGIT December 09 edition.

Congratulations to all the winners and thanks again to Andrew, to the judges, to Shari for sending me the badges designed by Matt and of course to all of you who send me your entries. Please keep on the good work and don't forget to submit another of your gorgeous pics to Arfi at Homemades who will hopefully be hosting DMBLGIT December 09 edition.
Merci Sandra! I'm pleased I won for originality, I figured avec un peu de chance no one else would submit painted macarons, lol. =)
RépondreSupprimerOh wow!! I am so honoured! And I am in such excellent company - I feel quite humbled when I see the other winners :) Thanks ever so much to the judges and well-earned congratulaions to all the winners.
RépondreSupprimerCongrats to the winners, there's some great photos there!
RépondreSupprimerOh wow. Congrats hilda and everyone! I loved that photo...glad it won!
RépondreSupprimerTrès bon choix !
RépondreSupprimerBravo à tous les gagnants !
Congratulations to all the winners! The photo are really great, original, fun...
RépondreSupprimerJe n'avais point de doutes sur vos excellents choix ;-)
Bonne soirée
Merci beaucoup pour ce prix qui apporte encouragement et sourire :)
RépondreSupprimerBravo aux autres participantes !
Une spéciale dédicace à Hilda avec son macaron très artistique. J'ai trouvé magnifique, bravo !
WOOOOWW!!! what a wonderful birthday present :) I'm so honoured. Congratulations for another winners too. And Thank you for Sandra, The Judges. Love you all
RépondreSupprimerBravo à tous les gagnants. Les photos sont superbes en effet!!
RépondreSupprimersuperbes et très intéressantes pics ! félicitations aux gagnants... et au jury pour sa sélection ;
RépondreSupprimerun grand bravo à tous les gagnants !!! c'est super !!
RépondreSupprimerça se passe chez le 1e gagnant le prochain ?
Excellent and what a beautiful set of food photos. It would've been a difficult choice for me! I wished I had known about this contest I would've entered a photo, tho not as pretty as the winners! (and a special congrats to Hilda and Jeanne!)
RépondreSupprimerune bien jolie aventure, merci pour ta gentillesse et tout ton cela ne doit pas être une mince content de voir les résultats ^^! biz et très bonne journée
RépondreSupprimerThanks to the judges, and congrats to the other winners!
RépondreSupprimerJe suis l'auteur de la recette gagnante "tatin de courge aux marrons et nappage au miel".
Pour des raisons personnelles, j'ai dû changer le nom de mon blog.
Serait-ce possible de ta part, de changer le nom "des yeux à la bouche" par le nouveau nom de mon blog qui est le suivant "yeux friands et bouche bée" ?
Voici le nouveau lien de la recette:
Je te remercie :)